Bulb Container Garden Tutorial Delivers Color Fall To Spring

Don’t you love Spring’s first pops of garden color?  Now you can keep your front porch colorful for 3 seasons of the year with this bulb container garden tutorial.

Every Spring, I see the gorgeous Daffodils in my neighbor’s yard and I promise myself that I am going to plant bulbs in the fall.  But I can’t find the perfect spot and I never seem to get around to it.  I do, however, have lots of space on my porch and deck and they are sorely in need of a little cold weather color.  This tutorial offers the perfect solution!



The good folks at Al’s Garden Center are showing us how to plant a container garden for our bulbs to ensure a glorious show come Spring.  But instead of leaving bare soil while we wait for them to bloom, they recommend a planting of cold-weather friendly varieties in the top of the pot.  We love this idea and can’t wait to plan our Fall/Winter/Spring containers!




 WATCH:  Bulb Container Garden tutorial for beauty from Fall to Spring

To make this Bulb Container Garden, you will need the following:

  • large pot
  • various Spring bulbs (shown: Daffodil, Tulip, Hyacinth)
  • Potting soil
  • Hardy fall plants such as Violas, Ornamental Cabbage and perennial grasses


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