10 Odd Things Your Body Really Says About You
Your body can be telling you all sorts of things. When we found out about some of the odd things your body really says we were a bit stunned. Did you know that the color of your tongue could tell you someone if you are sick or not? This gives a whole new meaning to the word “body language”. This information is definitely something worth keeping in your back pocket.
1. Your Body Really Says Your Index Finger Length Could Be Important
Index finger longer than ring finger? You could be less likely to develop prostate cancer or heart disease.
2. Your Body Really Says Your Swollen Stomach Can Be A Sign Of Too Much Alcohol
What’s lurking in your mid-section could be signs for concern. Skip the fruit juices, sodas and alcohol and up your veggie intake.
3. Your Body Really Says Your Extra Long Second Toe Means You’re A Born Leader
Long second toe? You might be a driven leader. Longer third toe? You probably have an unending source of energy!
4. Your Body Really Says Your Pear Shape Means You Are Less Likely To Have Heart Disease
The good news? Pear shape supposedly means you are less likely to develop heart disease or have strokes! Bad news – Diamond shape means you crave starchy foods. Time to bulk up on veggies!
5. Your Body Really Says The Color Of Your Tongue Is Important
A sore tongue can mean you are experiencing too much stress. Who knew?
6. Your Body Really Says Your Skin Is The Window To Your Feelings
Your skin is the window to your body’s inner workings. It can tell if you are dehydrated, sick, stressed, angry, or overworked.
7. Your Body Really Says Your Hands Tell If You Are A Risk Taker
Big hands are said to be a sign of a perfectionist, while small hands are risk takers and direct problem solvers.
8. Your Body Really Says Your Lip Color Tells Your Age
Cracked, pale lips can be a sign of iron deficiencies.
9. Your Body Really Says Your Long Legs Mean You Are Healthier
Long legs are said to be a sign of health, but if they’re too skinny you could be at the risk of heart disease.
10. Your Body Really Says Your Short Feet Could Mean Longer Lifespan
Put those big feet to work and start focusing on a healthy lifestyle!
Watch this video: 10 Odd Things Your Body Says