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Make This Paisley Gourd Chicken For A Cheerful Addition To Your Kitchen

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Hatch A Plan To Add These Adorable Chickens To Your Countertop

Is your kitchen craving a little decorative pick-me-up?  Break out the paints and a paisley gourd chicken could be in your future!



Barnyard decor is so in!  I’m thinking about all the sweet cow and rooster paintings and crafts that I see whenever I hit Homegoods or see a newly decorated space.  I recently saw some chicken “sculptures” that were adorable, but cost well over $100!  Not in the budget.

How refreshing to find this tutorial on how to create your own adorable kitchen chicken out of a dried gourd.  I mean, so cute and colorful, right?  And the best part is that you can really design these with whatever colors or designs strike your fancy.  Suzy’s Sitcom has done hers in paisley, and we love how she has grouped the little gossipy hens together and that all the colors and designs complement each other.

Our philosophy is that every room needs a touch of humor, and these fit the bill (pun intended).  We are thinking these would be a great, unique gift idea as well!



Here are the supplies that you need to make your own Paisley Gourd Chicken:

Visit Suzy’s Sitcom for the full instructions!


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