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How To Organize Your Digital Photos Into A Foolproof Orderly System

Finally…A Useful System For Organizing All Your Digital Photo Chaos

What kind of shape are your computer photo files in?  These tips for how to organize your digital photos will give you a system a professional would admire.



We recently brought you some useful tips on how to finally organize all of the printed photographs that you most likely have floating around your house.  Pulling them all together is no small task, but a little time and patience can really set you up for future organizational success.  Well, now we are back with some tips for your digital photo files.  Although they are not as visible, it can be very frustrating trying to find that one photo of Aunt Margie from Christmas 4 (or was it 5?) years ago when you don’t have them organized into some sort of system.

We love this advice from the staff photographer at Modern Parents Messy Kids.  She shows us her files and gives what we think is the most valuable tip…”don’t worry about going back to previous photos right now”.  Start implementing this system starting now and going forward and then catch up on the old shots as you have time.  We think this approach makes this project much less daunting.  We can do this!


The basic steps for how to organize your digital photos are:

  1. Download photos from your memory card or phone
  2. Create a folder and label it
  3. Delete any unwanted shots
  4. Move the folder into a folder created for that month
  5. Continue to add to the monthly folder as you take more photos
  6. At the end of the month, move the monthly folder to the folder for that year

Easy peasy!  Read about all the specifics at Modern Parents Messy Kids.


YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE:  How To Always Look Good In Photos



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