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How To Make Slipcovers – DIY

Don’t throw out that old chair you inherited from your grandmother…cover it up!

I currently have (2) chairs sitting in my garage that could use some help from these ladies. Read on learn how to make your own slipcovers for those unsightly chairs in your garage.

Nesting Place

The Nester shares this story with so much detail and ‘cuteness’ (I think that’s a word) that I’m going to just send you the exact steps to follow. 

Nesting Place

Here we all are Tiny Twig, The Nester, Pink and Edie.  And our victims, an office chair and my $12 thrifty wing back chair.  I know it’s hard to tell because of my mad photo shopping skilz but Edie wasn’t actually able to make it for the weekend.  So I just snuck in a photo of her to make it look like she was here.  We so missed her.

Nesting Place

I used about $50 worth of white canvas or duck or something like that.  I just asked my fabriteer what people use for white slipcovers.  They can also tell you how many yards to get for your item.  Then you need to wash it in hot water and dry it so it shrinks before you sew it.  Did you hear that?  It’s pretty much the MOST important step. For the love of slipcovers, PREWASH YOUR FABRIC OR ELSE

Nesting Place

Pink commented on the fact that I should have found a curvier chair for my first slipcover.  I think she was being sarcastic.

Nesting Place

I am not even going to try to tell you what we are doing in every photo.  Not because it’s hard or impossible to remember but because Pink has already done the hard work of creating an ebook so the world can know her secrets

Nesting Place

Nesting Place

Basically we cut pieces of fabric the shape of the chair and pinned it all together, I couldn’t believe how easy it was once we got the hang of it.

Nesting Place

Nesting Place

We basted everything with black thread.  Basted is fancy talk for let’s pretend we are in the 1800’s and get out a needle and thread and do really big stitches around where we pinned everything so that it will help hold all these pieces together.  Then we all started sewing.  Including Edie.

Nesting Place

Nesting Place

Here’s Twiggy’s slipcoverd chair~she is so adorable.

Nesting Place

Because I am Nellie Olsen, I decided it was imperative to have the most elaborate, labor intensive, persnickety skirt possible for my slipcover.  Much to my surprise, Pink was all for it and knew just how to attack making the little knife pleats all around the bottom.  She’s almost like a slipcover mistreater, she knows all the cheats  to make slipcovering easy and not intimidating but also is smart enough to know how to make it so it won’t fall apart when you wash it

Nesting Place

Here’s Pink, slaving away.  In my defense, I actually did sew the entire body of the slipcover all by myself.  But she did all the real work.

Nesting Place

It took the four of us from 10ish in the morning until 5ish at night to do the two chairs.  Edie was no help whatsoever though and Twiggy left at 2ish when her chair was done.  I think it was one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in a long time.  Not that raising boys and stuff isn’t rewarding but there is something about seeing immediate results that is so invigorating.

The chair has claimed it’s rightful place as my most adorable piece of furniture I’ve ever owned.  I am in love.  I wish I would have done it sooner.  And I feel totally confident that I could recover another chair all by myself.

If you love white slipcover but think you can’t have them because you have kids and animals, read about Pink’s experince with white slipcovers. She’s had them for years.  However, it is a commitment to wash them from time to time.  Here are a few comments from the post I did the other day when I asked if you like white slipcovers.

Nesting Place

Thank you, ladies, for sharing your afternoon with us! The chairs look great! And I think I can do it, too. 🙂

For another clever DIY, click here!

HT TheNester

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