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5 Super Easy Egg Tricks That Will Save Breakfast

Here are a handful of clever egg ‘tricks’ that will ensure you get it right the first time! Whether you are making eggs for 1 or eggs to feed an army, we’ve got ya’ covered!

Photo Credit: Macheesmo

1) How to shell a hard boil egg…the least expected way. Using a knife. Simply cut the hard-boiled egg (long-way) and the shell will easily slip off!

Credit: NoBiggie

2) Did you know you can cook eggs in your waffle maker? I had no idea…but they look yummy!(recipe here)

3) Your muffin-tin provides you with the perfect ‘tool’ when needing to cook hard-boil eggs for a larger crowd…and in the oven. (Alton Brown’s recipe here)

Burlap Bag

4) The 60-second egg. Place egg in small ramekin and microwave for 60-seconds. Done!


5) Bake 12 eggs at once…for that large breakfast eating family or gathering. Place eggs in your muffin-tins and simply bake. (recipe here)




Good Luck and have an EGG-ceptional day! LOL


HT HuffPost

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