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Best Doggie Yard Ideas Ever!

We have 2 dogs and 2 cats and we love them dearly. AND every morning, the ritual begins. All (4) go out, (2) come in. Then (1) goes out and (3) come in. Then (3) go out and the forth begs to join them but doesn’t really mean it. Does anybody out there feel my pain?

So that got me thinking…”what can I do to our yard so that the dogs would be a little more entertained and would WANT to stay out for more than 19 seconds?”



In an attempt to keep our 4-legged, furry friends happy, we give them everything! We give them gourmet food, pillows, our beds (if need be) BUT what they give us in return is PURE LOVE. They (the experts) say, that when a dog looks at his/her human, their brains release the same ‘happy’ chemical as humans when we’re “in love!” Awww. 🙂

So, with that in mind, here are few ways to love on them even more!

Here’s an adorable spot for the dog bed especially if your back door / mud entrance is closed off for your pooch during the long days. I love it!


But if the outdoors is where your special friends spends more time, check out these backyard lifestyles. They are pretty sharp!

Maybe an outdoor bed with a canopy is what you’re looking for. With a little creativity and a few power tools, this dog bed with canopy can be either purchased OR built! Check out eBay for more!


In searching for the perfect outdoor runs and kennels, I did find an interesting option for those ‘large’ dog families. TURF. Who knew?  Click here to learn more about using turf.

**Just be sure to give them enough to do. A bored dog will find something to fill his/her time and it may not be a healthy habit, such as barking or digging.


This dog house looks more like a custom built cabin. For the truly crafty out there, this might be worth tackling! {I could not locate any buyer / seller or instructions for this idea}


And if “going green” is more your thing…check out this doggie house with a garden growing on his rooftop! Click here to learn more about building a ‘green roof’ on top of your best friend’s house.


Another alternative to keeping your yard dog-friendly is MULCH. But there are certain types of mulch to stay away from for your doggie’s sake. Apparently, ‘chocolate’ mulch is toxic. So avoid putting it in your yard. Some plants that are toxic to dogs include holly, American bittersweet, lilies, bird of paradise plants, daffodils, daisies and mums. Check the toxicity of any plants that you have that are accessible to your dog.



And last but not least, I thought this ‘barrel’ bed was just too cute to ignore. Just be sure to give your pooch your best work ever when building the base. You wouldn’t want him/her rolling away!


So, I began this article with the thought “how can I design our backyard so that our dogs would be entertained” and here’s my answer. Most likely nothing. They just want to be wherever I am. Because that’s how they’re wired. And that’s OK by me!

HT Pinterest

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